Why Massage for Dogs?

Massage is an age old healing technique long proven to aid in a number of different ailments that all creatures, not only humans, can benefit from.  It is not recent that massage has been utilized for the health care of many different animals but only in the last few years has it been rediscovered as a beneficial treatment for animals.

Among the many documented benefits  of  animal  massage are:

  • Enhanced muscle tone and range of motion.

  • Reduced inflammation and swelling in the joints  - pain reduction.

  • Promotes the healing process by increasing the flow of nutrients to the muscles and aiding in carrying away excessive fluids and toxins.

  • Creates a positive effect on the contractual and release process of the muscles, essentially releasing tension and relaxing the muscles.

  • Stimulates circulation by "defrosting" muscles thereby releasing endorphins, the body's natural pain killer.

  • Helps to maintain the whole body in better physical condition.


Just like hiking and playing fetch, massage can be an incredible addition to your dogs overall health and positive life experience.

Just like hiking and playing fetch, massage can be an incredible addition to your dogs overall health and positive life experience.

Just like their human companions any dog can benefit from massage.

  • Service Dogs, Working Dogs and Emotional Support Animals

  • Agility and Competition Dogs

  • Dogs recovering from injury/surgery.

  • Dogs afflicted with age or injury related arthritis 

  • Active Dogs who love to run, hike and play hard

  • Any dog that loves to be rubbed on.

Massage can take care of a number of health related ailments but that's not the only benefit.

Massage is a great time for any dog who likes to be pet. Just like in humans it can affect incredible mental benefits like decreased stress, increased energy and a general overall feeling of goodness.


What does a Dog Massage Appointment look like?

Treatments are performed in the comfort of your home to ensure your doggy gets the full benefits of the massage without the stress of new environments. Treatments can also be done in neutral places like parks given the cooperation of the weather. Treatments can be tailored to accommodate the time allotted for the appointment or your pet’s special needs.  My training in canine massage is grounded in sports massage theory. However, I use my 9 years of practice as a human massage therapist to integrate other therapies and intuition to best suit the needs of your furry friend.  

I have been working on doggies in need for over two years and my clients include dogs recovering from surgery, retired service dogs and house pets. I use my love of animals and training along with my experience as a massage therapist to integrate my massage techniques.  This results in an intuitive and tailored experience for your pet that is an excellent addition to regular veterinary care.